Lord Vyne
Lord Vyne

Lord Vyne

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Illustrated turnaround I used as a guide when sculpting. His design went through many changes after various rounds of critique.

Illustrated turnaround I used as a guide when sculpting. His design went through many changes after various rounds of critique.

Pose and base ideation.

Pose and base ideation.

Material research and callout

Material research and callout

Made slight adjustments at the start, but as you can see, the design evolved further into the project.

Made slight adjustments at the start, but as you can see, the design evolved further into the project.

Sketchfab model.

Initial sketch of Lord Vyne!

Initial sketch of Lord Vyne!

(multiple images. scroll to see more.)
Starting with sketches and illustrations, this character was designed to exist within an original fantasy world - a cold continent inhabited by pagan cults that worship demons. Turnarounds were developed and the final model was sculpted in Zbrush.

This character is of a demon, Lord Vyne, that inhabits the body of one of his worshippers.